Código: 429
Tipo: Pôster
Área: Gestão de Projetos
Tema: Tópicos especiais em Gestão de Projetos



Strategic Project Leadership ® - The Diamond Model

Companies requires executives to take fast and consistent actions to allow organizations to survive in the high competitive markets. One of the options available to comply with this demand is project management. (CARVALHO & RABECHINI JR, 2011). Many changes have shaped the history of project Management and its different approaches since its creation. These movements are expected to continue in our present and future (KERZNER, 2009).The main goal of this study is to present the new approach developed through the evolution of project management, considering the proposal of Strategic Project Leadership SPL® (SHENHAR, 2007). In order to present this concept, we have the following specific goals: • Explore the importance of strategic alignment between strategies and projects; • Present the SPL tools (strategy, leadership and innovation). • Discuss the differences between the traditional project management approach and the SPL approach.